Academic Requirements
Please see the General Requirements for school admissions.
Please see the Application Procedure in Admissions section.
If you are living outside of Canada, please apply at least six months prior to the start date of the semester. Since circumstances vary from one country to another, you are advised to allow sufficient time for the Canadian Embassy or Immigration Office serving your area to process your application for Student Visa Status.
If your are admitted to our program, we will inform you and ask you to prepay the required tuition fees by bank draft or wire transfer from the school.
When the College receives the fees, an official Letter of Acceptance will be issued to you. The tuition fee remittance for an overseas applicant will be for at least two semesters. (Please refer to the current Fee Schedule).
It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they are able to report to the College for orientation, assessment and course registration information on the designated dates specified on the letter of acceptance.
Visa Issues
Expiration Date
The expiry date on the Study Permit is extremely important. DO NOT LET IT EXPIRE. Forms for renewal ( Form Imm 1249- Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada) are available from the Registrar’s or Counselor’s Office, or from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website: (
If a student completes his/her studies or withdraws from the school, he/she must inform Immigration Canada, since the Study Permit requires that the student be in attendance at an educational institution.
If students have any concerns related to their Study Permits, they should consult the counselor’s or the Registrar’s Office.
Visiting Other Countries
A letter confirming the student’s registration in a program is required.
Before a student visits another country, the student must be sure to find out if he/she needs a multiple entry visa to re-enter Canada.
If a student intends to visit the United States while studying at NAFTA, he/she will require a United States Visitor Visa which can be obtained either from the United States embassy in their home country, before leaving for Canada, or from the United States Consulate in Toronto. A letter confirming the student’s registration in a program at Niagara Academy For The Arts is required. If this is a student’s first application for an American Visa, allow four weeks for processing if using Canada Post. A visa issuance fee and a processing fee are charged to applicants from most countries. More details here…
The United States Consulate is open for visa applications 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. It is closed on both Canadian and United States holidays. For further information contact:
United States Consulate General
360 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1S4
416.595.1700 general inquiries
1.900.451.2778 visa inquiries
Taking a Break
Many international students are under the impression that they can take a break from their studies if they have been studying consistently at the College for two semesters. In consultation with the Canadian Immigration Centre (CIC), the College would like to confirm the following:
If international students are enrolled in a college which operates with three semesters a year, the students are expected to attend school for all the semesters; and
an authorized semester break may be granted to international students on medical grounds or under extenuating circumstances.
Therefore, the College will place the onus on students to decide for themselves if they should proceed with the semester break. Students are required to 1) notify the College of their intentions, and 2) sign a letter confirming that the College has alerted them about immigration requirements, and that they will be fully responsible for any possible consequences should they be questioned by CIC. Details on International Students Taking a Break are available in the Registrar’s Office.
Tuition& Fees
Please see the Tuition and Fees in Admissions section.
Home Stay
Niagara Falls and Toronto are vibrant cities offering many advantages for homestay and study. In this international environment, you will discover a variety of cultural and sports activities to share with your homestay families and new friends.
NCFA has been arranging homestay and language education for international students visiting Toronto and Niagara Falls for the past several years. Because we have been involved in international education for such a long time, we understand the expectations and needs of students and we are committed to making the homestay experience a rewarding and memorable one.
Living with a Canadian family provides a wonderful complement to your classroom experiences. Within the family you will be able to learn more about Canadian life, practice your English and share your cultures. Our Canadian families have been interviewed and carefully selected to find the best possible match for your needs and our homes are within a one-hour commute to school by public transportation. Our families are caring and committed also to a mutually rewarding experience.
Contact Info:
Toronto Office – JL International Centre
207 – 80 Acadia Avenue,
Markham, Ontario
L3R 9V1 Canada
Tel: (416) 225-7922
Niagara Centre Academy
Niagara Falls Campus
4760 Epworth Circle
Niagara Falls, Ontario
L2E 1C6 Canada
Tel: (905) 513-1685
Medical Insurance
Medical insurance is mandatory for students who are studying at Niagara Centre For Arts Academy.
Students are strongly advised to have medical insurance from a private insurance company before arrival in Canada. NCFA will process medical insurance applications for new students.
Visa students are not eligible for coverage through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan ( OHIP ).