NCFT Admission

Requirements for enrollment

  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Satisfying at least one of the following qualifications. English proficiency, unless at least 20 students form a group that requests the use of a specific foreign language in the same training period and the request is granted by this Centre.


(a) currently enrolled in a post-secondary tourism-related academic/training program,
(b) having completed a post-secondary tourism-related academic/training program,
(c) currently enrolled in a relevant university degree program upon recommendation by the advisor in the
(d) having completed a relevant university degree program, and
(e) being a current worker in the tourism industry.
  • For an applicant with a language other than English as his/her first language, English proficiency (particularly in listening) is expected. Applicants that are inadequate in the English listening proficiency are encouraged to take an intensive 1-month English listening course at the Centre prior to the start of the Tourism Practicum period.


Documents required for application for admission

  1. A completed application form
  2. Two letters of recommendation
  3. Financial documentation
  4. English proficiency documentation, if applicable.


Fee schedule for the tourism practicum program

The preferred method of payment:


Cheques should be made payable to Niagara Centre for the Arts – attention: Tourism Program.

  1. Fee includes program, room and board. The fee indicated below is per person
  2. The fee is $2,000 (CDN/USD) for each 1-month practicum period.
  3. The fee is due at least 2 months before the start of program. A late fee of $200 will be charged after
    this  deadline if the applicant is accepted.


Application fee (non-refundable) is $50 for domestic applicants in Canada or USA,
$100 for international students.

The application deadline is 2 months before the program start date.
Applications will not be considered without the application fee.


Download Application Form 


Advice to students currently enrolled in a tourism-related academic program

Ask your adviser in the program of your school for advice on how this practical experience may be coordinated with your current program.It is possible that the school will require you to write a report based on your experience in Niagara Falls in order to earn credits in your school.If this is the case, it will be your responsibility to write and submit a satisfactory report to your school in a timely fashion.